The term "pH" originates from the French term 'pouvoir hydrogen' (or Hydrogen Power) and has since been expressed as "parts hydrogen". PH refers to the amount of hydrogen ions found in a substance. It's the amount of hydrogen ions present in a substance that determines the acidity or alkalinity of that substance.
Generally, pH is divided into a scale of 1-10, though the level can extend higher than 10. Acidic substances usually have a pH of 1-6, while alkaline substances have a pH level of 8 and above. Water and other substances with a neutral pH have a level of 7. Our skin is slightly acidic with a pH level of 5.5, and in order to fight off bacteria, we need to use a soap that has a pH level safe for our skin. If it has a very high pH level, the soap might strip off the skin\'s natural balance and allow bacterial to settle in easily.